Lesson 1 : I now know what the point of the little white dudes are (and it's not just to get massacred) they increase your numbers in each unit so you can take more casualties.
Lesson 2 : Elephants although pretty have their time and place and it is not fighting Greek spears and pikes!
Lesson 2 : Elephants although pretty have their time and place and it is not fighting Greek spears and pikes!
Lesson 3 : I need to build a couple of DBM armies of my own that have different abilities that can fight different opponents.
Lesson 4 : Greeks are pretty tough opponents especially with superior troops spread amongst them.
The Greeks were just too damn strong and even when I was rolling 6's my opponent rolled just enough to save them or the superior troop factor would save them. In the same vain my cavalry would flee then return to the battle and it took a long time for Robert to kill enough of my guys for the game to be over.
So 2 defeats on the trot but I feel I learnt a lot and would like to learn more about the flank march that can get the cavalry behind the Greek troops.
Greeks : Robert T
Sassanids : Stuart L
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