I've been pretty distracted with life and work of late but I managed to make my way down to the club to see what was on the go this Saturday.

It appears I have been missing out big time as there have been some spectacular battles on the go
(last week the Riders of Rohan were up against 2 elephants!!!).

This week all the guys got together and done a beautiful looking 10mm WW2 game.

Four tables were used filling a third of the room.
JP's US Army pictured left
Jon B prepared the excellent looking terrain for Italy in WW2.

There were six players on the day.

The Allied players were JP with his newly finished Americans plus John B and David P
jnr with Commonwealth troops

His US troops seen here . . .

. . . clearing streets and checking houses for resistance.
JP's recon and armour advancing through a wooded area just outside the town.

German recon edging slowly along the
cemetery wall.

German section checking out some buildings.

And a German heavy machine gun team sitting in ambush.
Some closeups of the

How cute is this? A 10mm
Kubelwagon, sweet!

And a Panzer
IV from John M's collection.

PAK and transport ready to shoot the Sh** out of some unfortunate Allied armour.

The Germans for the day were John M, young Stephen and David P

Some artillery starting to pick off the Allied armour.

A blood bath in the centre of town as the Allies advance guard run head long into heavy German resistance.

Some more Germans making their way through a build up area.
is that a couple of ninjas too?
More of John M's Armour waiting to come into the battle.