Sunday 29 November 2009

WW2 in 10mm 28.11.09

The 2 John's, young Martin and another friend (sorry bud can't remember your name?) were fighting out a little Italy WW2 scenario. As I was involved in a DBM game I didn't get a real chance to follow the action so just a few pictures to show the gear.

My brothers favourite! A couple of tigers rumbling along the road. (The buildings are from Timecast painted up and based by Jon B, Jon has done a really sweet job on detailing the buildings as terrain)

Wespe's and command.

The centre of the battlefield in flames.

Some Allied half tracks edge through the woods.

Sherman's and fireflies head cross country as their recon unit takes some heavy fire.

Achilles heading down a country road, loads of detail on the castings with the 50 cal. easy to make out.

Some 251's taking a break in the street.

Some nice looking Allied artillery with mad looking matadors!

The 251's taking a shelling. Again looked like a really enjoyable game. I believe it got a little bogged down in the end with the rules needing a little tinkering.

Just a wee bit of fun by myself to see if I could recreate a 1944 Tigers in Normandy type picture. I look forward to seeing some different scenarios from the guys. They have some nice early war Germans.

I am kicking myself as I had a chance of picking up a neat little 10mm late war Russian army off ebay and missed the finish time! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!

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