Wednesday 30 September 2009

CWC News Saturday 3.10.09

A message from Stuart regarding Saturday 3rd October:

Sorry everyone,
There will be no club on this weekend due to the centre "moving." I will be attending at the centre next week to move our stuff and will let you all know in due course when we will next meet.


So no wargames fix this week guys!!!

Friday 25 September 2009

CWC News Saturday 26.9.10

Stuart has passed on:

The club will be closed this week (Saturday 26th September) as the move to the new community centre begins.

Next club day will be 3rd October.

Cancelled as the move continues!

Saturday 19 September 2009

WW2 in 10mm

A big thanks to John and Jon for laying on an excellent looking WW2 battle and for being patient with the less experienced of us(me!). The guys are new to the club so we got bogged down chatting more than playing today but it was all good fun.

Absolutely outstanding looking terrain and vehicles really helped hold our interest in the game with these wespe's (thanks David) punishing the advancing Sherman's. Where is the Allied air cover when you need it?

Hopefully we will get a chance to have another game soon. Not bad for a first outing and despite being a short game the rules felt pretty good.

A really good turn out today and great fun, good to see Von Hannah making an appearance for the 1st time in a very long while and hope you enjoyed the Wings of War (sorry for shooting JP and yourself down).

This photo is for David P. With 10mm WW2 you will finally get a chance to use some of your favourites on the battlefield! (you should have seen the Tiger II's and Jagdtigers).

Green Death

The young lads at the club had a massive fantasy game planned but had to do a wee bit of change around with Steven fielding his High Elf army against a rather nice looking evil Ork army.

Your figures are coming along young man just keep it going one Elf at a time. (I should have taken a shot of the dragon, Sorry!)

Here you see an Ork mass grumbling forward. Sorry about the photo quality guys it was just very dark. When we are up in the new place I'm sure I'll get better photo's.

The Ork hordes here are some of the clubs figures painted up by JP and very nice they are too. They really fill the gap if the youngsters are short of opponent's.

My personal favourite are these mad looking dudes. Not quite sure what they are, possibly some evil version of archers maybe?