Sunday 11 September 2011

The Ugly Club 10.9.11

I managed to make it down to the club this week for the 1st time in a very, very long time and it was good to see a reasonable turn out at the club (12).
This was 1 of 3 games on the go on Saturday (Skaven and Ogres I believe?).
1 of the Skavens magical death bringing machines
Stewart and Jonathan set up a nice looking battlefield with plenty of cool looking beasts plus what looks to be lots of future painting for J!
Yet another of the Skaven killing machines.
Not sure what the cards are for in the game? Is this a new thing guys?
This has to be a contender for the ugliest Warhammer Fantasy beast I have ever seen! It reminds me of something from a James Herbert book I read as a kid. Can't wait to see this baby painted!!!